Thursday, October 4, 2018

October Greetings

Wow! Well here we are and it is October 4th and I bet you are wondering where in the world I am?? :) Literally right?! que the music... "Where in the World is Amy Jar-r-ett" sung to Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego...dah dah dah. 
Well as I write, I am sitting in a Starbucks enjoying the flavors of the season (Maple Pecan Latte) and trying to think how to summarize the last few months for you. 
Special being with my twin, Laura and her family. Little Tomomichi with us :) 

 I am so thankful for how the Lord provided the time and ability to make this trip around the world to see supporters and family. Being with Laura and her family in Japan was such an encouragement to me and I think it is safe to say that it was a huge blessing and encouragement to them as well. :) (Since she said that, I can say it hehe). Please join me in praying for the Lord’s provision of a home for them on their new land. The Lord’s timing and obvious blessing on their land purchase was soo cool to see. Their land is almost back-to-back with the Churches’ retreat home where they meet for Sunday service each week. The land has no house on it so they now are waiting and trusting to see what God will do as they seek different options for their new land while hoping to be able to live on the land itself eventually.  Another prayer request is that the Lord might raise up co-laborers for their church plant and their ministry of tent-making (or in this case, vinyl house making ;) ) living that the Lord has called them to in Rankoshi. Sorry for that bad joke, I just can’t resist sometimes! You can blame my dad as I have been accused more and more of having a dry sense of humor.
When I returned to the States on August 28th, I started babysitting for my brother, Jon’s, family. It was really fun to get to spend extra time with Gabe, Asher, and Ansley as well as their exchange student, Andrea, and our niece, Christina! It kinda seemed like I never left the dorm. :) I was really thankful to get to see Jon and Sharon on my last day and then had to start driving north.
Beach time with the South Carolina Family. 
I was so happy to see one of my dorm girls at the University of Tenn in Knoxville on my drive up. You can tell I have been out of the States when I wasn’t thinking about college football affecting my drive on a Saturday! Thankfully I was able to time it right and still get the chance to visit for a while. I would ask that you continue to pray for my girls’ transitions to the States. Pray that they would stay close to the Lord and seek Him first as they navigate so many new experiences. Also pray that they would stay strong in the Lord and find good friends that would build them up and challenge them to grow now that they are on their own and out from the “protection” of their family and RVA. I have since been able to see 3 of my other girls in Michigan. Last week I went up there to pick up some of my luggage that a friend had brought back to the States for me so I didn’t have to lug it around the world. :) It is so surreal to see them and have all these shared experiences in Kenya and then know little of what their world is like now. We had to squeeze a lot of conversation into a little time, but hoping it will work out to go see them down the road. :) 
Seeing my girls in Michigan!!! :) 
So how am I doing? I get that question a lot and honestly I think I am doing fine. Sometimes I don't really know what to feel as it kinda seems like I am back for a visit, but then I realize I don't have the sense of urgency to fit everything in like when I have been home for a few weeks at Christmas.    I think many of you know that I got a puppy when I moved back to Indiana. Of course I had told myself I wasn’t going to, but when you see his face you will know why I couldn’t resist him. :) I think he has been good for me and is forcing me to put down roots in a way. The other emotions of transition might be waiting under the surface and I don’t know what more to do except keep looking to the Lord and trusting Him. He has truly given me a great peace about being home. I am enjoying the time with my family. I am enjoying being back in my church family and I am looking for ways to rest and also grow. I was really thankful to go through a mini transition conference with my future Mission. It was such an encouraging couple days being with other missionaries transitioning back to the States whether for good or for a year. The focus on Rest and Sabbath was also such a good reminder as that is what I am experiencing now.
Beorn Jarrett :) My Newfoundland puppy 
Would you pray with me that the Lord would help me to live each day intentionally, looking towards Him in everything I do?  Pray that I would see those who are hurting around me and that I would be able to also reconnect and build up community with those around me. It is hard to “start over”. It can feel isolating and the temptation is to feel sorry for myself that I don't have any friends instead of reaching out. Pray that I would have consistent time in God’s Word and that the lack of a schedule wouldn’t be a temptation to miss that time with Him.
I will be in Indiana for most of October and then head west for time with Pat’s family, my best friend’s wedding, and a MK Caregiver training conference all in Colorado for most of November. I am so excited to be in the States for fall!!! It is definitely my favorite season. (Though with temps in the 80s the last week I am not so sure we are in the fall yet. :P ) 
I have had a few people ask, so just to clarify that I am still able to receive support through AIM until January. So if you are a monthly supporter, the last monthly gift would be in December! This time is such a blessing to me and I am thankful for your generosity and care in allowing me the opportunity to take my home assignment time. My new job with World Gospel Mission will start in January 2019. 
As always, I would love to be praying for you. Please let me know how I can pray!
Serving with you, (Now in Indiana!!!)
Amy Jarrett 

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