Sunday, June 7, 2015

just a little bit of review.. :)

Hi friends, 
 As many of you already know, I am serving at Rift Valley Academy as a dorm mom to high school girls. I love the ministry of discipleship the Lord has placed me in here. I have girls from all different back-grounds and it is such a unique place to be. A big part of our ministry is being here to serve Missionary families. RVA allows the children of missionaries to have a great education while their parents continue their ministries and the building up of the church all over Africa without having to leave the field because their kids are now in high school. We are all a part of the bigger picture of reaching the unreached people groups of this world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is a humbling and wonderful thing to be apart of this ministry "on the field".  That being said, I am not here by my own strength or abilities. Nor am I able to be without the grace of the Lord and the body of believers that support me and send me. "We know that He gives us every grace, every abundant grace; and though we are so weak of ourselves, this grace is able to carry us through every obstacle and difficulty." -Elizabeth Ann Seton
That partnership in ministry is key and so vital to all missionaries. We need your partnership in prayer! 

"Mighty prayer- that is the one great spiritual force that will enable the Lord Jesus Christ to enter into full possession of His Kingdom, and secure for Him the uttermost part of the earth for His possession... A person who can pray is the mightiest instrument Christ has in this World." -E.M. Bounds
James 5:16 " The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working."

    One other aspect of that partnering in missions is the financial side. RVA's staff are all here as volunteers and missionaries with African Inland Mission. We depend on the Lord's provision for our finances. The Lord is faithful and has shown me over and over again that my trust should be in Him and him alone. The Lord often uses the church (the body of Christ) at home to be the senders. We are all a part of the team though, without each other there would be no missions or missionaries. I am so thankful for the prayers and notes of encouragement that my supports send me. 

  Since I am a dorm mom, there are a lot of fun ways to get involved with this particular ministry. I have 17 teenage girls in my dorm, so you can imagine how these girls love treats! :)  If you are interested in hearing more about ways you can get involved in the ministry here at RVA from your part of the world, let me know! I would be happy to give some ideas. Also, if you feel led to support me and to give by financial support, I can give you the information for either monthly or a one-time gift. Just message me with your email address, or if you already have my email you can do that. I wouldn't usually post this on Facebook, or by email, but since I am already over in Kenya it makes it a little more difficult to post by mail! If you are still reading this, then THANKS for your care and interest in the ministry here at RVA. :) 
asante (thank you) 
serving with you, 