Saturday, March 4, 2017

March Update

Greetings to you from a beautiful and cloudy Kijabe,

Why do I have beautiful and cloudy in the same sentence?? Because we have been praying for rain for the last month or so and we had a full day of rain yesterday! Praise the Lord. Please continue to pray for Kenya and other places in Africa that still need rain to combat the drought and famine-like conditions.

The doctors’ strike in Kenya continues after more than 90 days, please continue to pray for resolution between the government and the union. Many people are suffering and the lives of patients are being lost who would normally be a ‘routine’ case. One positive note that one doctor noted at Tenwek Hosptial was that patients who normally wouldn’t come to the mission hospitals for treatment are coming and hearing the gospel as they receive treatment. Pray that many would come to Christ even in this horrible situation.

Life at RVA continues to pass by in a whirlwind. The girls really enjoyed their Banquet on Feb 17th. All their hard work paid off as they put on a very successful night for the seniors. Their theme was Princess Bride and they did a great job. I had so much fun helping them get ready by doing hair and makeup for the big night. 
KUW Dorm. 21 girls and Aunt Amy :) 

The next big event of the term will be Interim. This is a weeklong field trip the Juniors and Seniors get to go on to learn different cultural experiences and earn a social studies credit. We have groups going to N.Africa, Tanzania, and many locations across Kenya. I am leading a group of seniors to the Maasai Mara where we will learn about Photography and Conservation issues.

Please pray for the girls and I to end this term well. (Leaving day is March 25th!) As we get closer to the end, attitudes and emotions are easily tested and we want to continue to be intentional with living a life of praise and thankfulness to the Lord. We also want to encourage others and build them up instead of giving in to the temptation to get frustrated and angry with others.
Thank you for praying for my support, the Lord continues to provide and it has been encouraging to see that happen over the last 3 months. In January our support target went up to 2,490$ per month, so I am still short by about 300$ in monthly commitments, but the Lord has provided through different gifts so I am doing OK. J

I am really looking forward to the different opportunities coming up in our March/April break. My nephew, Nathan Jarrett –pre-med senior in college, will be coming to Kenya to see me on March 25th. He will observe Dr. Dan Galat, an orthopedic surgeon, serving at Kijabe hospital the first week he is here. Then the first week of April we will join WGM for their retreat as part of their child-care team. We will help lead a VBS program for them. I am SO excited to see Nathan! A day after Nathan leaves, I will travel with some friends and fellow staff to Cairo, Egpyt to see one of my best friends, Julie Sandefur who is doing an internship there for a few months. It will be so fun as my sister, Beth, who is living in Cambridge, England will also fly down to join us! I am looking forward to the time with friends and Beth as we will get to see so many of the different historical and biblical places that I have always wanted to visit.

I would appreciate continual prayer for wisdom and guidance as I seek to point the girls to the Lord. Navigating this time of their lives is filled with challenges and opportunities to shape them into young women who love the Lord and want to grow in His image. I know I need the Lord’s strength to be faithful to my part of that growth and need to be faithful in prayer for the Lord’s working in their hearts. Thank you for joining me in praying for them.
I am really enjoying my Swahili lessons! I feel like I am finally learning how to conjugate verbs and now I just have to keep practicing!! I want to be better about talking to my national friends in Swahili so that I use what I am learning.  

Below is another letter from one of my girl’s parents who are serving in what AIM calls a “creative access nation”..

“In much of the world Somalis are known for their most famous pirates and Muslim terrorists.  To us, they are neighbors and friends, those who have never met a Christian nor heard about the grace of Jesus.  We live and serve among these people in East Africa for the privilege to see Somali Muslim "Sauls" become Kingdom of God "Pauls"! 
I was talking to a couple other boarding moms this week, who ironically both serve the Somali people and both have daughters in Amy's dorm.  We all agreed, no loving mother thinks when their child is small, "Oh, I'd love to send this precious baby to a boarding school someday!"  Most pray the opposite, "Never boarding school, Lord, please!"   We understand that cry.
Neither do most people cry out to the Lord, " Send me like a fearless fierce arrow into the Islam that holds the Somali people locked in lies!"  But this is my heart.  This has become my desire.  This has brought me to this place of East Africa.  This is my call.
Rift Valley Academy, as we live and serve in Somali zones of East Africa, is powerfully serving our daughters and therefore our family. At RVA, they are shaping lifelong friendships with other students who understand their family life, work, commitment, and identity in Africa.  They are thriving in their classrooms with great academic opportunities and acting in school plays.  They also are surrounded by loving Godly leaders like dorm parents, deans, class sponsors, coaches and teachers, all who reinforce what we pass along to them.  They are challenged and stretched to lean on the Lord and grow in their character.
Rift Valley Academy has become a beloved part of our family life.  We labor in some of the least desirable parts of east Africa.  Here the life of a teenage girl is extremely narrow and isolating. We are thrilled that our girls can attend RVA,  it is one part of their life that God is using to bloom our daughters into the godly women He has made them to become.”

Thank you for your part in serving the Lord and these families who are reaching the lost in Africa through your support of my ministry here at RVA. I pray you will be blessed by this knowledge.
Please let me know how I can be praying for you.
Serving with you,