Thursday, October 14, 2010

Prayer letter!

Hey there! Wanted to put this up on the blog. I will be sending out hard-copies to many of you, but wanted this to be here in case you don't get to see and wanted to. :)

Dear Friends and Family, October 12, 2010

I want to start off by thanking you for your love and support over the years. Each of
you has been a blessing in my life. Your friendship and prayers mean so much to me. God has been working behind the scenes in my life this past year and is leading me into full-time missions. Mission service has been on my heart for a long time, and God has been making it clear that He has a new journey for me. I have been accepted to African Inland Mission (AIM) to serve at Kenya at Rift Valley Academy (RVA).

AIM’s mission statement is really important to me because its goal is to establish Christ-centered churches among all peoples of Africa. Since God has really placed a love for the African people in my heart, I feel this is a very important goal: that God’s Gospel would be shared with all peoples of Africa. People carry out this mission statement in many ways; one way is through support ministry, the area where I will be serving.

RVA is a Christian boarding school where missionaries from all over Africa send their children to receive the upper level education they can’t give them at home, while carrying out full-time ministry. These missionary kids (MKs) are given their needed education and at the same time are provided a place to prepare them for the transition after graduation to their country of citizenship where they may have spent very little time. While these kids are far away from their parents and homes, we want to pour out on them lots of love and support. I will be a dorm mom to high school-aged girls. I will be there to help give the girls a “home away from home” and support them.

Please be praying for me as I prepare to serve these girls. Please pray also for wisdom as I learn how I can best help them in this stage of their life. I think God has really blessed me with already having a shared experience with these girls. When our family went back and forth to Kenya, I had to leave a lot of my family and friends behind. Hmm, do you think maybe God was preparing me for such a time as this?

Right now I will continue working part-time with St. Vincent’s Sports Medicine as well as preparing for Kenya. I have many administrative issues like visas, permits, etc. to work out as well. I am taking some online Bible classes from Gordon-Cromwell, as well as reading books about how to best serve MKs. Lord-willing, I am going to leave in July, 2011.

God has been so faithful to provide for the financial aspect of His calling in the past, and I know He will continue to be faithful now. Will you pray with me that the needed funds will come in for
me to leave and set up a new home at RVA? AIM requires us to have $11,734 going-out funds. Also, since I will be fulfilling a two-year commitment for my initial term, I need to raise a monthly pledge support of $2,127.00 as well. If you feel led to assist in either of these two ways, you may send a check to my home address made out to African Inland Mission. Please do not write my name anywhere on the check, as that would hinder AIM’s ability to give you a tax-deductable receipt. Mail to: Amy Jarrett, 9906 E 200 South, Zionsville, IN 46077. AIM will then establish the mechanism for future support.

I am so excited to see how God provides and to take this step of faith towards where He is leading me. Thank you for being such a huge part of this ministry through your faithful prayers for me. I can’t tell you enough how important the role that “senders” play in God’s work for His Kingdom.

I have set up a blog online that you can follow for updates if you would like at . I will also start an email update. Please email me at if you are interested in joining my email team.

Serving with you,

Amy Jarrett

Monday, September 13, 2010

So it Begins...

Dear Friends,

I wanted to start this blog so that you could follow me on the journey to which God has called me. I hope that this will be the start of an encouraging and loving relationship as we walk this road together. Prayer is so important to the work of God. Will you please be praying for me as I start preparing for Rift Valley Academy (RVA)? I will be raising support this year and hope to leave for Kenya in July of 2011. God has been so faithful to provide for me in times before, and I know that He will in His perfect timing now. I thank you for your friendship and love over the years. I pray you will be blessed to hear how God is using me and also you in this ministry.

For the last few years I have felt that God was calling me to full-time missions in Africa. I didn’t know how or where but kept praying. God has blessed me with the opportunity to be a part of several different short-term mission trips that seemed to grow the desire God had placed in my heart for the lost overseas and especially in Africa. When I was at Tenwek Hospital in Kenya, East Africa, I started talking to missionaries who serve there at the hospital. One of them told me that she thought I would make a great Dorm-Mom at RVA. I think I put that thought in the back of my mind and decided I would think about that later. I went to school for athletic training and love the medical side of serving people. I looked into different continuing education courses where I could expand my knowledge and maybe serve at a mission hospital somewhere using medicine. It seemed God kept closing doors to possible opportunities along that avenue of service so I kept praying. Sometime last fall God brought into my mind that conversation about RVA. I started looking into the school and found out that they were a support ministry of African Inland Mission (AIM). So that is where I started my journey with AIM.

RVA, is a Christian boarding school that provides a place where missionary kids and nationals can get a quality education in a loving environment so that they can be prepared for the transition they will face when going back to their home-country for further education. RVA allows missionaries, who serve in difficult and often dangerous places all over Africa, to be effective in their personal ministries with the knowledge their children are being loved, nurtured, and taught according to Christ’s example. As a dorm-mom I will have about 18-20 high school girls. Dorm parents are expected to care for the physical, emotional, spiritual and social needs of the boarding students.

Please be praying for me as I prepare to go to Kenya. I know God has called me to this place and am excited to see how He will provide for me. God is so faithful. AIM requires its missionaries to be fully-funded before leaving for the field. I will need to raise about $2,000 pledged monthly support and about $11,500 going out expenses.

If you are interested in receiving updates by e-mail or prayer letters, please let me know by sending me your email address or mailing address. Also, if you feel led to be apart of this ministry financially, please let me know and I will give you the needed information. Thank you for your prayers, love, and support.

Serving with you,

Amy Jarrett