Wednesday, September 14, 2011

RVA update September

RVA update 2: September 14, 2011

Wow! Has it really been a month?! We are in our 3rd week of the term here at RVA.

Dorm Life: I have really enjoyed getting to know my 17 girls. I often have about 5 or 6 that come and sit in my apartment by the fire each night. I am so thankful for your prayers. The girls seem to really mesh well together. They have done really well with homesickness and settling into life here. They have all had to adjust to the newness of high school and the load of homework that comes with that. But on the whole are doing well. Every Tuesday night we have dorm devos and treats. I have learned that 17 girls really like to eat!! J The interesting thing about making treats every week is that there is a shortage of sugar in Kenya because of the drought making sugar cane not available. I am experimenting to lessen sugar in each recipe. J So far everything has turned out good even without the full amount. I have really enjoyed the devotion’s time with the girls. For the first term we are going to study the book of James. We had some great discussion following our study this last week. I am thankful the girls seem open to talking about the Lord and wanting to learn more about Him. Please continue to pray with me that they would grow in their walks with the Lord and if there are any who don’t have a personal relationship with the Lord they would realize their need for Jesus Christ as their Savior.

Titchie classes: Each day I am learning more about class room management in music class but it is getting smoother each week. The kids are great. They are so sweet and each day I am greeted by many “HI MISS JARRETT”s and lots of hugs. I love that part! The PE classes have been fun and I think the kids are enjoying the time. I am hoping that I can keep teaching them the things they need to learn. This Sunday the 1-4th graders will be singing a song in church for Titchie Sunday. I am in charge of “directing” them. This will be interesting as I am not a director. J

Life: I have gotten to know some new friends that are also serving here at RVA. God has provided lots of opportunities for friendship and since it is not very fun to eat by myself I usually invite someone over for dinner most nights. This has been a great way to continue building relationships with others as I am not able to leave my dorm most nights so I can be here for the girls. This last Saturday I was able to be involved with the Outreach day that RVA put together. I went with a big group of students and 3 other staff members to build a house. This man (Paul) has 9 children and had been displaced from another community because of tribal clashes. We arrived to a house that was framed with sticks that had spaces between them. We filled these with large rocks and then the fun began. Slinging mud! If you have facebook I have put a lot of pictures up from life here and also of this outreach day. I still have not figured out how to post pictures directly to the blog.. I will find out soon though! We had to make the mud there. We stomped the dirt and water, which was brought by a donkey-pulled cart, together and there was plenty of opportunities to get very dirty. J I was so impressed with the student’s attitudes. We worked for about 5 hours straight of hard labor. It was such a blessing to be a part of this labor of love to the family that will move into this new house. It was really neat to hear about God’s protection from one of the other groups that went out to another place. This was the 6th grade class with about 25 students and 5 staff. They were taking their lunch break when suddenly they were attacked by bees! Almost everybody received multiple stings before they were able to get to safety. Some more than 20 stings!! BUT there were 4 kids who were not stung and 2 of these children were very allergic to bees. Isn’t God Amazing?! Every Monday night is my “night-off” from the dorm. I have joined a small group that will be going through 1st Corinthians. God is so faithful to also provide some “family” here. There are 11 Mks here from Tenwek hospital and I also get to see their parents when they come to visit. It is such a blessing to see familiar faces daily and have that connection while being so far away from my family. Another huge blessing just arrived today! My dad and Rachel will be serving at Tenwek Hospital for the next 6 months! I got to have lunch with them today as they were on their way from Nairobi. It is about a 3 hour drive to Tenwek. God knows and cares about each of us so deeply. He even cares to give me a part of my family close by!

One of the things I love about living here in Kenya is the quietness of life. (I know.. quiet with 17 girls?!) But since I am “stuck” here on campus every day and pretty much have to be in my dorm and available to the girls, I have a lot of opportunity to spend time in the Word and also reading books. I am reading one now called “In the Arena” by Isobell Kuhn. She was a missionary to China. I have been so encouraged from this book and also with what God has been teaching me in His Word. Something I have recently been convicted of is how I need to hold the desires that God has given me with an open palm. That I am not so set on what I want or think I need but am surrendering those to His will and for His glory. I am so thankful for how the Lord pursues our hearts.

Thank you for your continued prayers!! As always, please feel free to let me know how I can be praying for you specifically if you have any requests.

Serving with you,
