Wednesday, August 30, 2017


Hello dear friends, 
 Thank you for your prayers for finishing up last term and over the break. I am so thankful the Lord allowed me to go to Japan and see my twin and her family. We had such a great time together and it was really neat to see their new home and way of life (tomato farming!).  
I will include a couple of pictures of our times together. 
                                             Trins! Laura and I loved getting to spend a month together!!                                                   beautiful rice fields were everywhere                      A very happy Aunt Amy to be with these 4 stinking cute stinkers ;)                                              Two tomato farmers ;) Me and Yoshiki                                          had fun taking pictures of the beautiful Noguchi Family :) 

The break seemed like it flew by, and just like that we were preparing to welcome new students and our returning students for the 2017/2018 school year. We had 102 new students this year!! You can imagine what an emotional weekend that can be for families new to RVA (and those who have been sending kids for many years). It is always a reminder to me of the incredible sacrifice many of these families have been called to give when sending their kids to boarding school. I was privileged to sit in the “Parenting from afar” sessions again this year. It really helps me remember to pray for these parents as we hear their concerns and fears.  But it is also so affirming of what we are doing when those parents who are on child #5 (or whatever number) and sending their kids to RVA share with new parents about the things they are thankful for and how RVA is here for their kids. They affirm how important this ministry is and how it has been a blessing to their family, even in the loss of that time for them being physically together while their children are here at school. I am always humbled by these sessions and so thankful for the parent’s care and love for their children and them being willing to share them with us because that is what God has asked them to do. 
                                          1st day of school picture of my girls 

Just a couple of quick stats of KUW (Kedong Upper West) for you after 3 days of school. 
22 excited, nervous, not sure what to feel Senior girls
1 Dorm mom 
1 dorm dog (Zawadi) 
1 broken wrist (basketball try outs  ) 
 (One of my friends joked that we need to write on our board, KUW has gone…..”number” of days since the last injury. Funny, but not funny. 

Last night in Dorm devos we looked at Proverb 3:5-6 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways  acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths. " 
 We looked at who we are putting our trust in when it says LORD -YHWH and how He is so great and worthy of our trust. We can remember His character and attributes when we see His NAME. We looked at how our own understanding is so finite but how HE is infinite. 
This year, my hope is to help them to continually see their identity is in Christ. Also that as they are looking towards the future, they will seek the Lord and TRUST His great plans. Sometimes things will look different than they thought, but that God is in control and they do not have to fear or have anxiety about those plans falling through. 
Our devos will also focus on things like, How to find a local church, how to "stay a Christian" in college, how do I know God's will and other topics like that. 

Please be praying for our devo times on Tuesday nights at 8:30. 

Last week I wrote a post on Facebook after I was reflecting on it being 6 years since I had moved to RVA and I wanted to share it with those of you who are not on facebook as well. 

reflecting on the last 6 years* 
“A few days ago marked 6 years ago when I moved back to Kenya to work at RVA as a dorm mom. I couldn't even begin to know the ways that the Lord would challenge me and grow me. There has been a lot of laughter and tears, highs and lows, but He is so faithful through it all though. 4 dorms and 72 "daughters" over 6 (will be 7 years) has made me a blessed dorm Momma. Each year the Lord has placed a love in my heart for these special young ladies right from the start. The only way I can even do this job is by His grace and Strength. I can't tell you how thankful I am that the Lord allows me the privilege of being their mom away from home and being able to be apart of the extended work of the gospel being taken all over Africa. I'm thankful for the opportunity to be able to use the gifts God has given me to serve Him and the Body of Christ in this way. It can be a challenge to be in "support" missions because many do not see this as the front lines and therefore it is hard to raise the financial side of support to be able to do this job. It has truly stretched me and I am continually learning to completely trust our Great Provider. I would be lying if I said it was always easy and I never worry. At one point, I had to leave the field because of not having enough support. (Side note, even in this I see how God allowed me more time with my brother, Tom before he passed away. Even when we can't see what His plan is, rest in it and trust Him!! ) However, it has also been a joy to see the ways God has always provided and many times that has been through so many of you. THANK YOU for being part of the Great Commission to GO and Make Disciples of all Nations. The Lord has worked in my heart a love and joy in what I am allowed to take part in. I love that as a body of Christ, we are reaching the unreached. Sometimes it's the actual going to the front, sometimes it's crying with a dorm daughter when she is hurting. I have learned that no matter where the Lord calls you, we still have one goal. Glorify Him and reach the broken, lost, and hurting right where you are. It might not look pretty, glamorous, or exciting (in fact it is usually the opposite) but God determined your steps to be there and your job is to live for Him in those moments. 

All this reflection because I will start my 7th year with my 22 precious dorm girls in 5 days. I get to walk through their senior year of high school with them and I am so excited- and scared-. PLEASE, PLEASE be praying for me and for them as we will be stretched in so many ways over the next 11 months. I am excited to see how the Lord teaches us and how He will guide and direct each of them to what He has for them next. Pray for my new dorm daughter... starting boarding school as a senior can be a difficult transition!! 
Pray for wisdom for me as I continue to pour into their lives and that I will seek the Lord daily for His strength. He offers it freely! 
Thanks for sticking with me. "

Truly, I am thankful for you sticking with me over the years and for your prayer and financial support that allows me the privilege of being a dorm mom here at RVA. We desire to raise up the next generation of missionaries and gospel-bearers. With God’s strength and wisdom, that is our goal. 

I can’t remember if I have shared the RVA website link before, but if not you should check it out! It has lots of pictures so you can see what a beautiful place I get to live in. ☺ 

Serving with you, 
Amy Jarrett 

If you feel led to give or become apart of my team with one-time gifts or monthly support, here is some practical information for you. You can send checks (made to AIM) and include a letter that says it is for Amy Jarrett to: 
Africa Inland Mission
C/0 Receipting
P.O. Box 3611
Peachtree City, GA 30269-7611
You can also call their headquarters directly and set up credit card deposits or automatic monthly check deposits. That number is (1. 800.254.0010 ).