Wednesday, November 15, 2017

"Quickish" Update :)

Beautiful greens and blues from the rains :) 

Praise and Worship time at the outreach last Sunday 
Discussion groups at Kijabe Girls' school 
Last update of the term!! :) We are counting down the days as all of us are very excited to see our families. 10 more days of the school term and 14 more days till I get home to Indy!! YAY!!!

Election news is pretty quiet, the Supreme Court is supposed to rule on the outcome sometime by the 20th of this month and the opposition party has demonstrations scheduled for the 16th and 17th but otherwise I don't hear much about what is going on. 
I wanted to share a praise and encouraging thing that happened on Sunday.
Early on in the term, 2 of my girls talked to me about an idea the Lord had put on their heart. They thought about how we are close by to Kijabe Girls high school (about 5 miles away) and maybe we could build that relationship and have an outreach to their school. Often that school plays our sports teams in “friendly” matches and our High school choir and band have had concert outreaches there. They thought, why couldn’t we do that too? I encouraged them that I thought it was a GREAT idea, and told them who they would need to talk to about their idea. I hadn’t heard anything more from them for over a month when about 2 weeks ago they came back to me and said, Guess what?! We got to meet with their chaplain and he said this is the very thing he has been praying for!!! (How cool is our God?!) :)
They asked me and 3 other adults to drive them and “supervise” but otherwise, they got a group of 18 junior and senior girls together and put together a church service based on the topics that the Kijabe Chaplain had asked them to touch on in their messages. WOW is all I can say. It was such a blessing to see and hear 4 of my girls speak on what the Lord has taught them. They talked on topics about finding your Identity in Christ alone and not in peers/boys, academics, difficult family dynamics, and difficult circumstances.  It was so neat to hear the 4 different testimonies and the way they could share the gospel with these girls.
The form 4 students (or seniors) at Kijabe –actually in all of Kenya- are currently sitting for their 4 week long exams!! Yes 4 weeks! These tests will determine if they will go to university or not. The exams cover 4 years of high school and they have many oral and practical exams over the many subjects they study. The chaplain explained to us that because of corruption and false test scores, the government has sent all the other classes home as well as all the teachers. Only the Chaplain and Principal can administer the exams. The exams are kept in locked rooms and each girl has to be searched before entering the room to sit for the exam.. WOAH!! All of our RVA girls had a new appreciation for the way their exams are given and thankful for what they are privileged to have in education. After the 4 girls spoke, they had about an hour of discussion time with the 165 students split up into groups lead by 2 of our RVA girls.
After the discussion time I had a girl named Precious come and ask to speak to me. We talked for about 20 minutes about how she feels very far away from the Lord and that she doesn’t know if she wants to keep hearing about God because she has so much guilt. Please pray for Precious to realize the truth of the Gospel and how God’s grace is a free gift that cannot be earned! After talking, she wasn’t ready to pray, but was glad for me to pray for her. 
The hope of this outreach is for it to continue at least once every term and they invited our junior girls to participate so that hopefully the vision will catch and it can continue. 

Thank you for praying for unity in our dorm, please keep praying for that!
We have our dorm party on Saturday. My girl that is leaving at the end of this term is getting oral surgery today and will be gone till Friday. I am so praying she can be here for dorm party so we can pray for her as a dorm and she can have these good goodbyes!
Another prayer request will be for continued financial support. Last month’s support was very short and I am continually reminding myself of God’s faithfulness and how He is the great provider. Please pray that I would not get discouraged when these things happen.
Like I said in my last letter, I will be giving the girls sweatshirts as their gift for the year.  It will cost me about 550$ including the shipping to get these. If you do feel lead to contribute, you can go AIM's giving page here.
I will close for now,
Thank you for standing with me!!!! If you are in Indy over December and would want to get together, please let me know as I would love to see you.
Serving with you,

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