Friday, June 27, 2014

prayer requests

Hello my dear friends and family, I hope this post finds you well.
I have been hoping to get a letter out to you for a month or so, but with my work schedule and life being busy, I haven't been able to make the time to do so.. However, the other hiccup in getting one out has more to do with not knowing what to tell you! God has again been graciously leading me through a time of uncertainty and it seems like I have more to learn each day. I am very thankful for His love and faithfulness to care for me.
I can't remember what I last communicated to you as far as a departure date for Kenya, but wanted to update you with what I know.. (which has changed about 4 times)
 I am still Lord willing, going to Tenwek with my Dad and Rachel in September until December.. The plan, based off of RVA's need for me in April was going to be coming home in December then going to Japan to spend time with my twin and her family,  then leaving for Kenya once again in April. However, the date was then switched to July, and NOW looks like a possibility of going to RVA in January for the start of term 2..  All these switches seem crazy, but with the way that RVA is run based off volunteers who are dependent on support to be there, staffing is constantly changing especially when people aren't able to raise their support to return, which is then why the need keeps changing.
In the midst of all the uncertainty and confusion, I am clinging to God who is unchanging and all-knowing.. He knows when He wants me to be there and I am trusting that in His perfect timing I will get there.
There are several things to be praying for and I would so appreciate you joining with me in these.
1. God's clear direction and provision for the time He wants me to return to RVA (with that, for financial support to be raised in time for me to go)
2. Peace and patience for me as I wait and that I would continually have a soft heart for what the Lord may want to do in these situations and that it would help me grow in my walk with Him.
With this, that I would make the most of the time He has me here in Indianapolis, not just looking ahead, but the here and now that He has given me to serve Him and the people around me.

3. for the unrest that is often happening in Kenya. They have experienced several terrorist attacks from the Somali's Al Shabaab group in the coastal towns of Lamu and Mombasa as well as a few bombings in Kenya's capital of Nairobi.. please pray for protection for the Kenyan people and the many missionaries who travel through Nairobi...
Thank you so much for your friendship and partnership in prayer.
in Him,
Amy Jarrett

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