Sunday, April 28, 2013

Kijabe Rains....
I think I can see the 5inches of rain in these clouds..right before the deluge 

 On Friday night we received 5'' of rain in a matter of 4 hours. This led to a massive mudslide around 2am. The security guards thought it was the end of the world as they heard the "freight train" noise coming down the hill at them. They ran for their lives! (can't say that I blame them) The slide was just feet away from some of our staff member's homes and took out one section  of our security fence. It crossed over the railroad tracks and took out huge trees in its path.. The aftermath is quite a site to behold. We have a path all around the perimeter of the school that many of us run/walk on called the Guard's trail. There are pictures of the stairs that I have walked up many times surrounded by mud and debris.

Staff member's house.. close call! 

Stairs on the "Guard's trail" 

The community has been greatly affected by the slide as only 1 of the 4 access roads to Kijabe were safe to be used; leaving the others closed or ruined because of the slide. A section of the rode was entirely wiped out on one of the lower roads. Our main road, the "upper" road is now open, however, there is a very weak point in the road from where most of the ground underneath it has been washed out. Normal cars should be ok to use it, as long as we get a break from the heavy rains we have been having.
road right by campus 

upper road tunnel and weak point of road

upper road 

lower road.. where did it go? 

There have been people that have lost their entire homes and 3 children in a nearby village lost their lives in the slide.. Please continue to hold them in your prayers!
here are some more pictures from around the area..
petrol station in Kijabe
"back yard" of a staff member 
lots of mud! 
Harambee! (work together!) 
used to be a fence along here 
one of RVA's main gates 
railroad tie found 200meters below the railroad! 
tough guys!! thankful for their hard work. :) 

pulling together to get the gate cleared!

We were able to go to our 9th and 10th grade girl's retreat at Brakenhurst.  We had a great time of learning  about God as our first love and how He is the only one who can satisfy us. I was so encouraged by the other women's testimonies and talks, I think the girls were too. We talked in my small group about how we want to be careful that we don't just leave what we learned behind us at retreat, but that we will live it in our daily lives. Here are a few pictures from our trip there and at retreat.

Mt. Longonot and Kijabe Hill

Kijabe from afar..the cluster of buildings on the hillside 
Pride rock 

My fellow dorm mom and friend, Emily
skit time.. :) I was a Rugby player
My small group.. (and dorm girls. :) )

10th grade girls

Pedicure time

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