Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Term 2 happenings

Well it has been entirely too long since I last wrote. I cannot believe it is already almost the end of term 2! We only have 5 more full school-days left. God has brought the girls and I through so much this last term. We have had ups and downs but through it all, I have seen God’s faithful hand guiding us and teaching me to lean on Him as my Rock.

“The Rock, his work is perfect, for all his ways are justice. A God of faithfulness and without iniquity, just and upright is he.” (Deuteronomy 32:4 ESV)

With the start of term two came many days full of sunshine and warmth. This was such a nice change compared to the 2 months straight of rain we had had during term one. However, as is often the case, too much of a good thing can sometimes be bad. All through the Rift Valley you could see great, big dust devils traveling through the brown and dry valley.

People’s shambas (garden or farms) around the community were not able to produce food because of the lack of rain. We at Kijabe and RVA even noticed the lack of rain as we were challenged to conserve water where possible. Some places on campus had to have water rerouted to them as their tanks went dry. We started to pray for rain and God graciously gave us a week and a half of rainy days. We thought maybe it was an early start to the rainy season that typically starts late march to early April but we are back to sunny days. However, we are thankful for the reserve tanks being full and it is always a good lesson for me to think about. We take for granted so many of the Lord’s blessings instead of recognizing His provision of all things.

“Titchie Tales”

I was asked to continue teaching Music and PE to the titchies for most of term two (although last week I handed over Music to another teacher). I have had fun with my students. It was so sweet, on Valentine’s Day I received flowers from 2 of my students along with a few cards. In PE I have enjoyed teaching the kids my two favorite sports which happen to be “America’s favorite past-time” (Baseball) and Football. Some of my kids have made comments about wondering why they have to learn these sports when we aren’t in America. But really, I think everyone should know how to play baseball and football right?  The weather has been great for these classes. I have really enjoyed the more relaxed schedule without the added class times of Music this last week and think that will be a welcome relief for third term.

Dorm Life:

This term we were able to finish our study of James and have started going through “Living the Cross Centered Life” by CJ Mahaney in our dorm devos every Tuesday night. I have really enjoyed these times with the girls as we dig into God’s word and the discussion that comes from these times together. We went through some pretty difficult things in the dorm this term. I have a group of about 6 girls that have had trouble with friendships around campus and even within the dorm. One night we talked for an hour and I was so thankful that God really seemed to work in their hearts to open up to me and ask for advice while also sharing with me their struggles. I continue to pray that God would draw these precious girls to Himself and that they would realize their need to seek Him in every part of their lives. Something that God has brought out of these difficult times has been closer relationships with each other and me. Another difficult change we have faced as a dorm was the loss of one of our girls. She came to a point where RVA really thought it would be better for her to be home with her family since they couldn’t help her more with the problems she faced. This has been a difficult transition for some of the girls as they were very close. Please pray for this family as they work through these changes as well as the girls here that miss their friend.

We have had good times together with birthday feasts (Yakiniku Dinner with first-time chop-stick users  ), Dorm party (Karaoke), and movie nights. We are constantly getting calls from the dorm below us with requests to be quiet. In our dorm write up for the yearbook that was one of their favorite memories.  The girls constantly keep me shaking my head –with a smile on my face- in down-right confusion. They are full of drama, screams, giggles, and any number of things you could imagine in teenage girls.  My sister Rachel was able to visit a couple of times these last two terms (while she and Dad have been at Tenwek) and she made 17 new friends in the dorm. They loved having her come.

Family notes and upcoming trip.

The Jarrett Tribe has expanded by 2 this year and I am awaiting the text to inform me that Baby Declan (27th in the line of nieces and nephews) is on his way.  (Debbye and Aaron Biermann’s 3rd boy).

Yoshiki James Noguchi was born to my twin Laura and her husband Keisuke on Jan 20th. Susie and Chris Gordon welcomed Mara Elise to their family on Feb 18th. I am thankful for things like skype and facebook where I get to video chat and see pictures regularly of these precious new blessings. I am so excited for the time when I will get to hold them in my arms.

I will be going home to Indiana for a quick visit with my family. I leave the day school gets out on March 23rd and will return on April 15th. I will also make a quick trip out to Colorado Springs to see the Pat Jarrett Tribe March 27th-31st

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